Generative AI as a source of innovation for products and services

IDG Applied AI study 2023 identifies high AI readiness among DACH companies

Whether it’s ChatGPT, Bing Chat or Google Bard, generative AI and the new chatbots based on this technology are generating excitement and skepticism around the world in equal measure. The fact is, artificial intelligence has already firmly established itself in private and industrial contexts and in the service industry. It will play a central role in our world in the future, from quality assurance to optimizing production and maintenance processes, and from automated customer communications to producing content and computer code.

The IDG Applied AI study 2023 highlights where German companies see opportunities and risks in relation to generative AI – and the measures, budgetary resources and processes they have already put in place.

IDG Applied AI study 2023 identifies high AI readiness

The IDG Applied AI study 2023 was conducted by CIO, CSO and COMPUTERWOCHE in cooperation with NICE, Lufthansa Industry Solutions and KI Reply. The results are clear: AI – and its creative form, generative AI – has long since become widespread in industry and the services sector. In terms of processes, at least half of the surveyed companies have already drawn up specific use cases with AI to automate their processes and integrated them in their day-to-day operations. The IDG Applied AI study 2023 shows that AI is hardly uncharted territory for most sectors and service providers. Instead, companies tend to see generative AI as a source of innovation with the potential to radically redefine and restructure processes and employee duties in the future.

Plans and budgets drawn up for generative AI

The DACH companies surveyed for the IDG Applied AI study 2023 appear to be more than ready for the use of generative AI: the majority have already set aside budgetary resources and made corresponding investments. In fact, more than a quarter of companies have already had a dedicated AI budget for over two years. In addition, the budgets assigned to generative AI are set to be stocked up considerably in the coming year. When it comes to the practical implementation of applied AI, the leading enthusiasts to date naturally include IT organizations, with 58% already relying on the technology to some degree. By contrast, it is primarily retail companies lagging behind in the rankings. One general takeaway is that larger companies have a slight head start on smaller businesses in relation to dedicated AI budgets.

Download the complete IDG Applied AI study 2023 for free as a PDF!

The IDG Applied AI study 2023 details how ready German (DACH) companies are for applied AI, the opportunities and risks of generative AI for specific industries, and which areas of industry and the services sector are already benefiting from the use of artificial intelligence.


Brief insight into IDG-Study "Applied AI 2023"
The IDG Applied AI study 2023 provides clarity on various issues:
  • What fundamental position have German companies adopted on the topic of AI?
  • What opportunities, potential and risks do the surveyed companies see in relation to the use of generative AI/applied AI?
  • How widespread are generative AI/applied AI processes at present?
  • In which areas have companies already implemented generative AI/applied AI?
  • Which sectors are leading the way in adopting generative AI – and which are lagging behind?
  • What budgetary resources have been set aside for the use of generative AI /applied AI?
AI is no longer just a hype topic for German companies – most have already implemented generative AI in practice.
  • AI budgets are increasing
  • Generative AI is already in widespread use
  • The surveyed companies hope that using generative AI will bring about automated processes, enhanced customer communication and greater creativity
  • The fields of IT, R&D and customer service lead the way in the use of generative AI
  • Companies are seeking assistance from external service providers with the introduction of generative AI/applied AI
  • DACH companies have long since set aside dedicated budgets and made plans for generative AI/applied AI

Research for the IDG Applied AI study 2023 included 300 online interviews with (IT) managers to discover how ready DACH companies are for AI, the opportunities and risks they perceive in relation to the use of generative AI in particular, and the budgets already made available and planned for future use.

Download the complete IDG Applied AI study 2023 as a free PDF!

Download the IDG Applied AI study 2023 to discover just how ready German (DACH) companies are for applied AI, the opportunities and risks of generative AI for specific sectors, and the areas of industry and the service sector already benefiting from the use of artificial intelligence.