Generating valuable data with IoT sensors

Sustainable, efficient waste management: WILLERSINN Group introduces Smart Waste solution

The key to efficient, sustainable waste management is reliable data. The WILLERSINN Group recognized this and opted to introduce a Smart Waste solution with Lufthansa Industry Solutions (LHIND). Sensors in waste containers provided to its industrial and commercial customers supply data on their fill levels and exact locations – which enables the company to optimize its route planning, improve the utilization of its fleet and automate collection runs.

The customer

Based in Hessheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, the WILLERSINN Group offers intelligent environmental services for its industrial and commercial customers. This medium-sized corporate group comprises 17 companies and has roughly 600 employees at 15 locations in Germany.

Waste management is a key focus for WILLERSINN, which offers services including recycling, problem waste disposal, landfill operation and waste process optimization. In addition to disposal solutions, the WILLERSINN Group also offers services related to agriculture, water, energy, engineering and raw materials.

At a glance: LHIND services to the WILLERSINN Group:
  • Consultancy on the potential uses of LEAP as a Smart Waste solution
  • Review of IoT sensor accuracy
  • Roll-out, provision and operation of LEAP
  • Support with LEAP set-up, device management and configuration

The challenge

The WILLERSINN Group leases waste containers to its customers and collects waste either in regular schedules or on demand. The company faced two challenges in this context:

Locating the waste containers

The company’s waste containers are mobile, so they can be moved as needed around a customer’s premises – which can include rail yards and factories. This means that, when WILLERSINN Group employees arrive to collect the waste, they sometimes spend a long time searching for the containers. This slows the collection process and can prevent its operatives from completing their scheduled routes, which in turn leads to additional journeys.

Unknown fill levels

WILLERSINN had no knowledge of how full its containers were. Collecting waste in fixed schedules means that containers are sometimes only part full when the waste is collected. On other occasions, they might be overflowing. This is not the most efficient way to utilize the collection fleet’s capacities.

The WILLERSINN Group was looking for a smart solution capable of reliably providing the data it needed – on container fill levels and their precise locations. It also needed the solution to be implemented quickly and seamlessly into its existing IT landscape.

The solution

The solution was Smart Waste together with LEAP (Locating Engine and Analytics Platform) asset tracking software. LEAP monitors mobile objects using IoT sensors that input relevant information into the software.

LHIND supplied around 150 sensors, which the WILLERSINN Group’s employees attached to the inside of the container lids. The sensors use ultrasound to measure each container’s fill level as a percentage. Their location is determined using GPS, or GSM tracking if GPS is not available.

This data is transmitted to the LEAP platform via the cellular network and clearly displayed in a dashboard. As a result, the WILLERSINN Group is able to plan its collection runs more efficiently in line with fill levels – thereby making the best possible use of its collection fleet’s capacities. Plus, the drivers no longer waste time searching for containers, as they can view their precise location on the go using the LEAP platform.

In addition, routine waste collection – on a weekly basis, for example – can be replaced with on-demand collections in line with actual requirements. LEAP can independently generate collection runs based on fill level information – to avoid making collection runs when containers are relatively empty.

Technologies and tools used
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • approx. 150 SLOC SWB-300+ sensors
  • LEAP (Locating Engine and Analytics Platform)

Customer benefits

Armed with precise knowledge of its containers’ fill levels and locations, the WILLERSINN Group successfully optimized both its route planning and the utilization of its fleet’s capacities. This eliminated unnecessary journeys and, as a result, reduced the company’s CO2 emissions.

In addition, thanks to Smart Waste and the LEAP platform, the environmental services provider can now automate its collections based on container fill levels, which saves valuable time.

The sensors also measure the temperature inside the containers. This allows the WILLERSINN Group to detect fires caused by improper disposal at an early stage – and notify customers accordingly.

At a glance: How the WILLERSINN Group benefited from the LHIND solution:
  • Real-time information on its containers’ fill levels and precise locations
  • Ability to respond swiftly to high fill levels, thereby improving customer satisfaction
  • Collection runs generated automatically on the basis of fill levels
  • Reduced CO2 emissions and lower costs thanks to more efficient collection runs
  • Fires avoided thanks to temperature measurement and notifications when container temperatures exceed defined thresholds

“In the WILLERSINN Group, we strive to offer innovative, future-focused waste disposal concepts for our customers. Smart Waste from Lufthansa Industry Solutions is an important step to achieving this.”

Christian Landvogt