Lufthansa Industry Solutions receives the Professional User Rating (PUR) Award 2022 from market research company techconsult in the area of SAP Services. With top marks, users voted the IT service provider into the top group in the "Migration & Application Management (SAP HANA)" category.
Norderstedt, January 24, 2022 - The year 2022 starts with an award for Lufthansa Industry Solutions (LHIND): The IT consulting company receives the Professional User Rating (PUR) Award 2022 from the market research company techconsult in the area of SAP Services. In the "Migration & Application Management (SAP HANA)" category, the survey respondents gave the company top marks. This puts LHIND in the top group of the 24 providers evaluated and entitles LHIND to call itself a "champion" in this area. For the annual award, techconsult surveyed over 2,000 representatively selected users.
Top scores in business and service categories
To ensure that the evaluation is as practice-oriented as possible, only customers of the respective providers were able to give their opinion in this independent provider comparison. The respondents rated more than 67 individual criteria in two dimensions. In the Company Rating dimension, the study looked at criteria such as the portfolio of products and services, support quality and the range of information provided. In the Service Rating area, the respondents rated, for example, the quality and scope of consulting, the quality of support, and the scope and capability of services. In both dimensions, Lufthansa Industry Solutions achieved scores that were above average.
"First-class customer feedback thanks to team performance"
"The award means a lot to us. Because it is direct feedback from our customers," says Carsten Fleer, Vice President SAP Intelligent Enterprise at LHIND. "The award shows that we are on the right track with our practical and especially customer-oriented understanding of the field. We can be proud of this achievement as a team. My thanks therefore go above all to my colleagues, who give their best every day to provide our customers with adept and forward-looking advice."