Norderstedt, November 13, 2019 – Lufthansa Industry Solutions is ranked among the best IT service providers in Germany again and has been awarded the top rating of four points by business magazine brand eins. In seven of the ten IT services surveyed – IT Security, Training, Communication & Collaboration, Software Implementation & Maintenance, IT Consulting, Cloud Services and Mobility – the Lufthansa subsidiary even came out in top place on the lists of the best companies.
The results are based on a survey of experts, decision-makers and customers of IT service providers, which market researchers from online portal Statista carried out for brand eins. A total of 5,774 people took part in the survey, including 2,878 experts and 2,896 customers. The survey was held online between May 28 and June 26, 2020. Self-recommendations were identified and not taken into consideration in the evaluation.
The brand eins lists of top companies are based on what is currently the largest survey of IT service providers in Germany. The survey is now taking place for the second time after 2019. "Our overview provides profound information and a good orientation in an extremely confusing market," says Dr. Friedrich Schwandt of Statista in a foreword to the evaluation. According to brand eins, the top lists of IT service providers in Germany are updated annually.